Episode 2: How can I influence my children’s friends for Christ?

It does matter who your friends are, and it can be lonely not going along with the crowd. Friends help you along on your faith journey, and having friends that share your morals and values in school is important. Ready to hear more about how you can influence your child’s friends for Christ? Let’s go….

JOCELYN HROVATH served as a Physical Therapist Assistant for 17 years after graduating from Central Pennsylvania College. After her children were in elementary school, God called her to found and direct the Bible2School Laurel Highlands organization where she enjoyed coaching the volunteer teams and raising awareness in her community for children to hear Biblical truth. She spoke at many churches and events to expand the Bible2School program to several schools.

Currently, Jocelyn consults with individuals interested in learning more about activating a Bible2School Membership and cares for our Bible2School members.

Jocelyn lives in Millersville, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Alan, and their three daughters. Jocelyn enjoys serving on the Prayer Team at her church, hosting small groups in her home, and connecting with her family around the dining room table.

Resources For You:

Next Steps:

  • Explore Bible2School for YOUR school!
  • Share this podcast with a friend!

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

Shining Your Light Into Their School Day

Stacia McKeever from Answers in Genesis encourages parents to be involved in their kids’ school day by being active, helpful partners to their educators.

Raising Kids to be Godly Influencers

Kids are heavily influenced by their peers and their surroundings, so how do we guide them on the right path so we can be confident that they will stay true to their faith? In this blog, we break down some practical ways you can raise your kids to be Godly influencers.

Beaded Cross Craft

As Christian parents, we want our children to proudly live out their faith. Use this resource to talk your child through what it means to “let your light shine” and make this beaded cross craft that they can proudly wear as a necklace or attach it to their backpack!

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7