What Makes Bible2School Unique?

Bible2School is unique from other programs in the way we engage the children with the Bible. Through intentional relationships between the children and their Small Group Leaders, Bible2School gives children a safe place to ask spiritual questions and process how to apply Biblical truth to their everyday lives. 

Each Bible2School lesson includes an open-ended “Think About It” question, which allows the children to explore the ideas presented during the lesson and make connections to their own faith journey. By applying these questions to their lives, children have the amazing opportunity to connect the Bible with their hearts, not just their minds, which is imperative for their faith formation.

Example “Think About It” Questions:

  • How can you forgive others? (Jacob & Esau)
  • How can you fully rely on God? (Joseph in Egypt)
  • How can you believe God’s promises? (Joshua & the Battle of Jericho)
  • How does God give you second chances? (Jonah & the Whale)
  • How can you get through difficult circumstances or situations? (David & Goliath)
  • How does God want you to use your time? (Martha & Mary)

Want to see a Bible2School program in action? Learn about the 3 main elements of our program hereOr, are you ready to explore how to start a Bible2School program in YOUR community? Schedule a 15-minute chat with someone from our team to learn more about the process!

What Makes Bible2School Unique?

Learn more about what makes Bible2School unique from other similar programs!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7