A Guide: God was not taken out of public schools

So, your child attends public school. Are they comfortable sharing and defending their faith? Do they know that their faith can be part of their school day? Most would say no. It’s time for truth to be brought to light and fear dispelled. Children CAN confidently bring their faith into public school — instead of leaving it at the door — and respectfully share and defend their faith. 

The purpose of this FREE 22-page guide is to educate parents and caretakers on the ways their child CAN confidently live out their faith while in public school. Ready to take your next step?

What You’ll Learn from this Guide:

  • The misconceptions of separation of church and state
  • What the public school’s role is when it comes to religious freedom
  • The most common rights that students have to express their faith within a public school setting
  • The 3 ways God CAN stay in public school and their unique benefits
An image of the God Was NOT Taken Out of Public Schools Guide

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Register for an upcoming 45-minute live webinar where Bible2School’s CEO, Kori Pennypacker, will discuss how children CAN confidently bring their faith into public school.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7