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We are experts in engaging children with the Word of God and we help equip Christian adults to spread the Kingdom of God in everyday life with the children in their circle of influence. Browse our blog for resources and tips to help guide you!

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4 Practical Family Rhythms from Deuteronomy 6

As Christian parents, we need to teach our kids to love God and to love others. The key is to build intentional spiritual rhythms into your existing family routine! In fact, the Bible gives us 4 ways we can teach these rhythms to our kids using the daily routines we already have in place.

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Seeing the World through Biblical Worldview Sunglasses

As Christians, we are instructed to have a Biblical worldview — viewing the world through the truths found in the Bible. In this blog, we break this down even further with the analogy of sunglasses.

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3 Benefits of Attending School Board Meetings & How to Take Next Steps

As a parent of children in the public school, it is extremely important to be aware of what your school board is reviewing and discussing in meetings. In this blog, we explore three main benefits of attending your local school board meetings, as well as three action steps you can take.

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Love Your Neighbor: 4 Ways to Help Your Kids Follow Jesus’ Commandment

How well do you know your neighbors? Jesus called us to LOVE our neighbors. In this blog, we highlight 4 ways to help your kids learn to love their neighbors, along with some practical tips to get you started as a family.

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Raising Kids to be Godly Influencers

Kids are heavily influenced by their peers and their surroundings, so how do we guide them on the right path so we can be confident that they will stay true to their faith? In this blog, we break down some practical ways you can raise your kids to be Godly influencers.

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How to Talk to Your Kids When they Hear Something That Doesn’t Seem Right

A life skill is learning to decipher how and when to dig deeper when something just doesn’t seem right and when to push back. In this blog, we walk through how to talk to your child when they hear something that doesn’t seem right, like the theory of evolution.

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The Power of Praying For Your Child’s Future Spouse

There is power in praying for your child’s future spouse, and it’s a privilege that carries with it some amazing blessings. In this blog, we highlight 3 specific things to pray over for your kids’ future spouses, and some prayer examples to help get you started.

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The 2nd Most Important Part of Your Day

Many Christians would agree that spending time with God each day is of primary importance. The second most important part of the day is connecting as a family over a meal. In this blog, we explore some of the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits and provide some practical ideas to make this happen for your family.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7