Episode 107: A Bible2School Student’s Journey with Jesus

High School sophomore and Bible2School graduate Colson Erb shares his journey with Jesus. You’ll hear how Bible2School influenced his faith in the early years, and how God grew his natural gifts and obedient heart to open doors of opportunity for him to plant seeds for the Kingdom among his peers. 

Are your kids equipped with the truth that they are the church and they can bring the church to school? Colson’s testimony will challenge you to share your faith with others whenever the opportunity arises and teach children in your circle of influence to do the same.

Ready to hear how the kids in your life can be kingdom growers just like Colson? Let’s go…

COLSON ERB is a sophomore in high school. He enjoys playing music, soccer and volleyball, and being involved with school and church. Following Jesus has been a big part of his life from a young age. Through experiences such as summer camps, Bible2School, youth group, and friends he has had opportunities to strengthen and grow in his faith. He believes everyone’s journey matters, and always seeks to encourage others in their walk along the path.


Colson’s Story then and now on YouTube

Back Seat Driver by Toby Mac

Waterfall by Chris Tomlin

Genesis 22:1-19 – Trusting like Abraham 

The CBA Cross

Fellowship of Christian Students (aka FCA)

Luke 15:10 – The Angels rejoice over one who is saved

John 14:6 – Jesus is the one way to heaven

Next Steps

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7