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How To Love Your Neighbor
Kori & Meredith share some refreshing ways to love your next door neighbor like Jesus!
A Live Webinar
Leading With a Heart for God and People
Author and speaker, and elementary school principal, Zac Bauermaster, shares how to lead with a heart for God and people.
Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K.
Jesus called us to LOVE our neighbors. But, how do we love them? One way to do this is to pray for them. As a
Member Highlight w/ Brock & Jenny Jessup
Idaho Site Directors, Brock & Jenny Jessup, share their Bible2School journey, inspiring others to impact the next generation for Christ.
Love Your Neighbor: 4 Ways to Help Your Kids Follow Jesus’ Commandment
How well do you know your neighbors? Jesus called us to LOVE our neighbors. In this blog, we highlight 4 ways to help your kids
Helping Your Kids To Become Godly Influencers
Meredith & Lee discuss how to help kids become Godly influencers.
3 Unexpected Biblical Benefits of Decluttering with Kids
Social Media influencer, mom of 8 and grandmom of many, Bonni Greiner speaks to the unexpected Biblical benefits of decluttering with kids.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7