Episode 147: 3 Unexpected Biblical Benefits of Decluttering with Kids

Our guest, Bonni Greiner, talks to us about the unexpected Biblical benefits of decluttering WITH our kids! She’s raised 8 of her own and delights in sharing tips with others, so lean in and listen to her wisdom. You’ll be pleasantly surprised and inspired to action!

Ready to hear 3 unexpected Biblical benefits of decluttering with kids? Let’s go!

BONNI GREINER is married to Nevin and is the mother of 8 adult children and 15 grandchildren. She was raised a Jew in the metropolitan Philadelphia area. She fell in love with and married Nevin, who she met in college. After marriage, she moved to his family’s hog farm as a new Christian and wife. Bonni had never tasted pork products and had no knowledge of farm life or Christianity. She quickly became a distinguished motivational speaker for women’s groups and is passionate about helping younger moms enjoy their roles as wives and mothers.


Genesis 1-3: God of order not of chaos

Philippians 2:2-3: Look to the interests of others more than ourselves 

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd, I will fear no evil

Psalm 91: He will command his angels to guard you

Romans 12:2: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

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