The Bible2School CBA Cross is Our Children’s Favorite Resource

We want to share it with you, so in turn you can share the Gospel easily with the child in your circle of influence.

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Did you know you can use the word PRAY as an acronym to remember the 4 types of prayer? We all love tips to help us remember things, and this one is especially important so our prayers can be modeled after how Jesus taught us to pray.

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Airplane, Rocket, Cross!

Explaining to children how we can get to Heaven can be challenging. Use this resource as a helpful visual for them to understand the magnitude of the cross. This exercise will walk you through how to explain Jesus’ life, death, and how his resurrection means LIFE for the rest of us.

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Bible Story Skit

Kids are more likely to remember things when there is something fun involved, such as a song or an activity! So, encourage your kids to let their imaginations soar by putting on a skit at home based on a Bible story. This creative activity will help bring the Bible to life for them!

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Valentine’s Day Card

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to share the concept of loving others with your children! Remind them that God loves them and that the Bible is one huge love letter from God to us! Use this resource to make a hand-made card for your child to give to someone.

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The Bible2School CBA Cross Resource

We LOVE to share the Gospel with children, and we make it fun and easy! The Bible2School CBA Cross is our children’s favorite resource and we want to share it with you, so in turn you can share the Gospel easily with the child in your circle of influence.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7