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Colliding with Culture: Teaching our Kids to Ask the Next Question
Kori & Lee discuss how to teach kids to ask the next question when their faith collides with culture.
Member Highlight w/ Laura Funk
Bible2School volunteer, Laura Funk, shares how she’s been involved with the program this year and the work the Lord is doing through this growing ministry.
The Many Benefits of Theater For Your Kids
With over 20 years experience in theater, Brandon Talley speaks to us about the many benefits of theater for kids.
Modeling An Uncomplicated Life
Brenda Yoder speaks to the importance of modeling an uncomplicated life to the next generation.
5 Ways Children Can Express Their Faith With Others in Public School
Matt Sharp, senior counsel from Alliance Defending Freedom, shares 5 ways children can express their faith with others in public school.
4 Ways Your Child Can Express Their Faith in Public School
Matt Sharp, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses 4 ways children can confidently express their faith in public school.
Praying for Your Child’s Future Spouse
Kori Pennypacker, CEO of Bible2School, shares 3 prayers you can start praying for your child’s future spouse now!
Combating 3 Myths Of Evolution
Dr. Georgia Purdom, Vice President of Educational Content at Answers In Genesis, shares tools to teach children how to combat some of the popular myths
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7