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Teaching Kids to Disagree and Still Be Friends
Elizabeth Urbanowicz, founder of Foundation Worldview, helps us teach kids to disagree and still be friends.
Praying For Your Grandkids
Jodie Berndt, author of the Praying the Scriptures book series, talks about praying through the seasons of life for our children and grandchildren.
Teaching Kids a Biblical Worldview
Kori & Lee talk sunglasses to demonstrate why it’s so important for children to process life through a Biblical worldview.
Raising Kids with Unshakable Faith
Lauren Gaines, author of Unshakable Kids & creator of the online community, Inspired Motherhood, shares practical tips and encouragement on raising unshakable kids.
Quick Answers To Tough Questions
Bryan Osborne from Answers In Genesis shares from his book, Quick Answers to Tough Questions, inspiring us to teach children to confidently defend the faith
Family Discipleship – You CAN Do This!
Adam Griffin, co-author of the book, Family Discipleship, and host of the Family Discipleship Podcast, shares the importance of being our children’s primary disciplers.
The Importance of Intentionality
Jonathan Pitts, father of four girls, unpacks the importance of being intentional in the life of a child.
Creating Family Rhythms: 4 Ways To Teach Our Kids
Kori talks about creating family rhythms and the 4 ways we can teach our children based on Bible2School’s theme verse, Deuteronomy 6:4-7.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7