Seeing the World through Biblical Worldview Sunglasses
The term “worldview” is used a lot in recent culture, but what exactly is it, and why is it so important? Your Dictionary defines it as, “The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.” There are different worldviews that are influenced by a variety of things, such as culture, theology, politics, religion, economic status, childhood experiences, etc. As Christians, we are instructed to have a Biblical worldview — viewing the world through the truths found in the Bible.
So, why is this important? When we believe the Bible is entirely true, we allow it to be the foundation of everything we say and do — which has a direct impact on our life as well as those around us. If we faithfully engage in God’s Word, trusting it as the ultimate truth, then we can begin to make decisions and form responses that align with our Heavenly Father no matter what the culture throws at us. According to a Barna study, while roughly 70% of U.S. adults claim to be Christian, only 4% of adults show decision-making that reflects a Biblical worldview. Sadly, this means that very few people are “walking the walk” when it comes to living with the Bible as their foundation for life and godliness.
A Clear View of the World
To take this a step further, let’s use an analogy we can all relate to — eyeglasses. Imagine you have lived your entire life only seeing black or white. One day, you put on a pair of glasses that allow you to see color. Everything would look different, right? Of course! You would have a clear and brilliant, NEW color-filled view of the world! A Biblical worldview is seeing the world through God’s holy lens, brought into focus by the Bible.
Need another analogy? No problem, let’s talk about sunglasses…
The Importance of Quality Sunglasses
Did you know not all sunglasses are the same? Some have scratch-resistant lenses, some have UV protection lenses, and some have polarized lenses. Some have a combination of these features. Therefore, you may be looking at the same landscape as two other people, but your views of that landscape will be different depending on which sunglasses you are wearing. Without scratch resistant lenses, your vision might be obstructed by a scratch. Without UV protection, your view might unknowingly be damaged over time by hidden UV rays. Without polarized lenses, your view might be hindered by a reflective glare. This is the same for the world. People view things differently, whether it’s something visible, like a landscape, or something conceptual, like a cultural trend or a religion.
Our kids need quality, Biblical worldview sunglasses to help them process culture and filter it with truth and hope, even when we are not there to guide them. The best gift we can give our children as they walk through the world is a Biblical worldview. It is with this knowledge of God’s truth and this Biblical worldview that they can see God in every situation. What would this world look like for future generations if everyone could see through God’s holy lens?
Ready to learn more about a Biblical worldview? Check out a few helpful podcast episodes:
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