Our Blog

We are experts in engaging children with the Word of God and we help equip Christian adults to spread the Kingdom of God in everyday life with the children in their circle of influence. Browse our blog for resources and tips to help guide you!

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How to Teach Your Kids to be Good Stewards

Stewardship is an important concept to teach kids early on in their lives. Learn why and examples of ways to help teach the importance of being good stewards to your kids for God’s kingdom.

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How to Disciple Your Kids in a Fun & Engaging Way

As parents, we have the amazing privilege and unique opportunity to share the love of Christ to our children and guide them towards a life that includes Jesus! In this blog, we outline a few ideas of ways to disciple kids in a fun and engaging way.


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How to Create a God-Honoring Home

Every home gives off a certain feeling when you walk into it — and most people want their homes to feel peaceful and inviting. So, how can we be intentional about creating a God-honoring home? In this blog, we outline a few ideas to help bring your faith to life inside the walls of your home.

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3 Important Life Questions Kids Ask

There are 3 questions we hear most often from children in our program — and they are deep life questions that all point to God’s Word! They are: “Where do I come from?”, “What’s My Purpose?”, and “What Happens After I Die?”  In this blog, we unpack HOW to answer them in the best way for children.

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The Beauty and Mystery of Prayer

Prayer is a beautiful and mysterious gift God has given us. We long to experience moments when we feel God has answered our prayers. Read about an example of an answered prayer.

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Identifying the Top 5 People of Influence in Your Kids’ Lives

You may have heard the saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” It’s important that we surround our children with people that will make a positive impact on their lives. In this blog, we identify why it’s important for our kids to have healthy relationships and how to identify the people of influence.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7