The Second Thing You Should Say to Your Child Every Morning
In Part 1 of our mini-series of the 3 Things You Should Say to Your Child Every Morning, we talked about the importance of telling your child that you love them and exactly how God created them. (In case you missed it, go back and read that one first!)
In this blog, we will dig into the SECOND thing you should say to your child every morning before they walk out the door.
#2: Find out what they’re thinking about that particular day.
Say, “What’s one thing you are concerned or excited about today?” Then, let them think and talk. It might be a test at school, a speech in front of the class, a birthday party, a sports tryout, or even a snowstorm.
Then, resist the temptation to offer your opinion — this is simply time to listen, connect, learn, and affirm their feelings. As parents, we don’t always need to comment or offer advice. Children just want to be heard. Remember, this is what Jesus did — He stopped and listened to people.
Here’s an example of how this might look for you and your child:
“Joshua, what is one thing you are excited about or concerned about today?”
Joshua replied, “I have soccer tryouts today and I really hope I make the team.”
“I can see why you are concerned about that.”
Asking your child this one question will do a few things:
- Assures them they are worth listening to and that their feelings are important to you.
- Gives you insight into their day and what kinds of things they might be struggling with.
- Creates a conversation starter in the morning that can lead to prayer.
- Provides another conversation starter when they get back home.
The first few times might seem awkward as your child fumbles over an answer. But, after a few days, it will become second nature to them and it will develop into a healthy life habit of daily reflection.
Next up, Part 3 of our mini-series on the 3 Things You Should Say to Your Child Every Morning.
Relevant Bible Verses
“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…”
– James 1:19
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