3 Benefits of Attending School Board Meetings & How to Take Next Steps
So, your child attends public school. And, you’ve heard about the school board and that it is beneficial for you to be involved, but do you understand why? First, let’s define what the school board does. School boards play a pivotal role in shaping the education that public school students receive and they are accountable to the residents in the district who elected them. The board meetings provide information on funding sources, curriculum being introduced, what mental health/counseling services are being offered to the students, student/family needs in the district, new teachers/staff hires, what positions are needing filled (a great way to pray for godly people to fill those spots!), what ministries are involved in the school buildings, what clubs are being offered to our students, etc. In essence, school boards have three main functions: planning, setting policy, and evaluating the results.
As a parent of children in public school, it is extremely important to be aware of what your school board is reviewing and discussing in meetings. In fact, school board members find it encouraging to see parents engaged and knowledgeable about the decisions being made. It provides them with extra support when there are difficult decisions to be made. It’s also helpful for them to hear from people who may disagree on a topic or have hard questions. This provides them with the opportunity to hear from the community and gain a broader view of an issue. In essence, the best way to make a difference on a local level in your community is through engaging in your local school board.
Let’s take a look at 3 main benefits of attending school board meetings, as well as 3 action steps you can take. We had a friend who was an experienced school board member divide this out in a simple and memorable way for us — the 3 Bs!
1. Broaden Your Perspective
School board meetings can be helpful for providing you with a broader perspective. Attending meetings and reading the agenda allows you to get to know the school administration and understand the bigger picture of the school district. It also provides you with information on how you can specifically be praying for your community.
- ACTION STEP: Take some time to look on your school district’s website to get familiar with where they post the school board meeting info. There is usually a tab or menu item labeled School Board where you can find out who your school board directors are, the board policies, the meeting notes from past meetings, dates, and/or agendas for upcoming meetings. Then, put the next few meetings on your calendar. Find a friend to go with you, and just sit and observe for your first meeting.
2. Build Healthy Relationships
Attending the meetings is a great way to build relationships with people in your community. If possible, take time before and after meetings to greet people and get to know the names of the board members. The face-to-face time gives a healthy reminder that there are real people behind these decisions. This reminder will help you know what to say and how to say it when you want to use your voice.
- ACTION STEP: Make it a point to get to know one or two school board members. Invite them out for coffee or even send them encouraging emails. They work hard to represent the school and students on a volunteer basis, and getting to know them is a benefit to everyone!
3. Bring Your Voice
Unfortunately, many parents are quick to complain about things that are happening in public school, but never make an effort to meet with a school board member or speak at a meeting. If you feel passionate about something, it’s time to speak up. If the school board never hears the parent or student side, then all they know is what they are told by administration and perhaps teachers.
Most school board meeting agendas have some kind of “citizen’s comments” time, which gives you the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the decision makers in a way that promotes healthy dialogue. You have space to share concerns and voice your perspective. These citizen’s comments make a big impression on the board and can help sway decisions.
- ACTION STEP: Now that you’ve observed a few meetings and have gotten to know some of the board members, it’s time to speak up about something you are passionate about. First, investigate your school board’s policy on citizen’s comments. Depending on the policies, you can either come and ask a question during an opportunity given on the agenda for citizen’s comments, or you can email the board of directors ahead of time.
If you have the opportunity to speak, begin with an attitude of gratitude! Tell the board members you are thankful for their service and dedication to children and education. Next, be sure to state your topic or question clearly and directly. Be respectful as you engage with them. When finished, directly state your desire for reciprocated communication regarding and/or resolution to your topic/question. Finally, ask with whom you can follow-up with and request their contact information.
Yes, school board meetings can seem overwhelming and intimidating at first. But, it’s important to remember that school board members are people, just like you. And as parents, it’s our responsibility to be in-the-know of our children’s education. The best way to make a difference on a local level in your community is through engaging in your local school board.
If you want more information on what the public school’s role is when it comes to religious freedom, download our FREE 22-page resource or register for an upcoming live webinar.
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Kori Pennypacker, CEO of Bible2School, shares 3 benefits of attending school board meetings and 3 action steps you can take today.
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